Looking for a way to protect your or your child’s smile from tooth decay can be stressful, as anything we eat or drink nowadays seems to cause problems for your teeth and gums. Fortunately, some solutions are pain-free, cost-effective, and quick that can protect your or your child’s smile. We provide dental sealants at Cummins Dental Group in Silver Spring, Maryland. Dental sealants are a perfect way to protect your smile from tooth decay.

Our excellent dentist, Dr. Adrian Cummins, and his team are here to provide exceptional care for you and your family. Oral health is essential, and with our personalized treatment and total comfort and care throughout our office, you can experience the care you need to help protect your smile. 

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a preventive treatment that helps protect your teeth from cavities. Made of a plastic-like material that’s applied to the surface of your teeth, dental sealants typically go on the molars or premolars, which are more exposed to cavities and decay. The procedure is quick and painless; you can have your teeth protected for years in about fifteen minutes. Dental sealants aren’t only for kids; adults can also benefit from them!

Why Are Dental Sealants Used?

They are used to protect teeth from decay. Sealants can help keep food particles and bacteria from getting stuck in the grooves and pits of your molars. Dental sealants aren’t only for people with perfectly healthy teeth or those who have never had a cavity. You may still benefit from dental sealants if you have some teeth with fillings, crowns, or other repairs. They’re versatile and can be applied to most patients without any or minimal side effects. Dental sealants are an effective preventive measure with no significant risks, making them a valuable option for dental health.

Are Dental Sealants Noticeable?

For those concerned, if someone notices your dental sealant, have no fear, as dental sealants are hard to see. Dental sealants are clear or slightly tinted, making them unnoticeable or hard to see. You can still smile with confidence while protecting your smile and preventing cavities.

Do Dental Sealants Hurt?

It is common to wonder if a dental procedure will cause pain. Fortunately, dental sealants are pain-free as Dr. Cummins will paint the sealant onto the tooth enamel, where it will bond directly to the tooth and harden. The process is quick and efficient in protecting your smile. 

What is the Dental Sealant Process?

The dental sealant procedure typically incorporates a series of steps to ensure optimal results:

  1. Teeth Cleaning: Before getting your dental sealants, Dr. Cummins will thoroughly clean your teeth to remove plaque or food particles. 
  2. Tooth Preparation: Once we complete cleaning your teeth, we will roughen your tooth surface with an acid solution, which helps the sealant bond with the tooth. 
  3. Sealant Application: Dr. Adrian Cummins will apply the sealant, a plastic resin, onto the grooves of your tooth.  
  4. Sealant Bonding: Using a special light, the sealant is hardened or ‘cured,’ resulting in a strong, durable shield over the tooth.
  5. Checking and Polishing: Dr. Cummins checks the sealant to ensure proper placement and may further polish the tooth for a comfortable fit.

Can Dental Sealants Cover Cavities?

Dental sealants are a preventive measure used to protect teeth from developing cavities, but they are not designed to cover existing cavities. The primary purpose of dental sealants is to create a smooth surface on the tooth, making it more difficult for plaque and bacteria to adhere and cause decay. However, if a cavity is already present, the tooth typically requires restorative treatment, such as a dental filling or other appropriate restorative procedures. So, while dental sealants can help prevent cavities from forming, they are not a solution for covering or treating existing cavities. 

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

Dental sealants can protect teeth from decay for up to ten years, but they must be checked by Dr. Cummins every so often for chipping or wearing at regular dental check-ups.

How Do You Take Care of Dental Sealants?

Once the sealant is applied, it creates a barrier between your teeth and any cavity-causing bacteria that may harm them. Bacteria can’t penetrate the sealant to reach the tooth surface, and thus, the risk of cavities decreases. The sealant also fills in any deep grooves or cracks in your teeth, which helps prevent food buildup and plaque from forming. It’s worth noting that dental sealants don’t replace the need to brush, floss, or use mouthwash, but they enhance the effectiveness of your dental hygiene. Some things to do to care for your dental sealants include:

  1. Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily to help remove all stubborn food particles. Be sure to floss between your teeth to remove plaque and food between your teeth once daily. To further help your smile, we encourage using mouthwash as it can help eliminate anything else in your mouth and freshen your breath. 
  2. Diet: Avoid sugary and acid food and beverages to help keep your teeth healthy. If you do not want to avoid them, eat or drink them in moderation, and be sure to follow proper oral hygiene rules to ensure the health of your teeth. 
  3. Dental Check-ups: Visit Dr. Cummins twice a year so he can check your mouth for any issues and help ensure a healthy smile. 

Are Dental Sealants Worth It?

Dental sealants are a fantastic preventive measure for maintaining oral well-being. They particularly benefit children and teenagers because their teeth are still developing. This application can last years, and dentists often recommend retouching the sealant when it wears off. Additionally, dental sealants are cost-effective in the long run. When you prevent cavities and decay, the cost of dental care is reduced significantly.

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

A resin-based product on your back molars can make one wonder if dental sealants are safe. Fortunately, dental sealants are a safe procedure that protects your teeth from cavities. The Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association recommend dental sealants. 

Do Dental Sealants Make Teeth Feel Different?

Some patients might feel their teeth are smoother after applying dental sealants. At the same time, some patients don’t notice any changes at all. 

Are Dental Sealants Beneficial?

Dental sealants provide excellent preventative care for your smile, helping to ensure no cavities form. Dental sealants offer several advantages, including:

  1. Cavity Prevention: Dental sealants are an excellent way to ward off cavities, decay, and even more serious dental issues. Dental sealants go right on your back molars, helping to protect the grooves in your teeth and helping you with an easier, more thorough cleaning. 
  2. Long-Lasting: With proper care, dental sealants can last up to ten years, providing long-term protection for your mouth. However, Dr. Cummins can remove the sealants if you need them out sooner. However, they wear out over time and typically do not need a dentist to remove them. 
  3. Cost-Effective: The cost of applying a dental sealant is much less than the cost of getting a filling.
  4. Easy Application: Dental sealants are a non-invasive and quick procedure that has you in and out of the office in no time. They are an excellent pain-free treatment that helps protect your smile. 
  5. Safe and Reliable: Dental sealants are an excellent option for children and adults. The durable and reliable material offers a secure method to prevent tooth decay. 

Dental Sealants in Silver Springs, MD

Getting the preventative care you and your family need has always been challenging with dental sealants at our office in Silver Springs. No more will you need to worry about if your children’s smile is healthy or if they will form cavities. You can help protect their smiles or even your own with dental sealants! Schedule an appointment with Dr. Cummins today and receive the preventative measures necessary to ensure your smile is cavity-free. 

Dr. Adrian Cummins. Cummins Dental Group General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Family Dentistry dentist in Silver Spring MD 20902

Dr. Denise Taylor-Shaw's Gentle Touch Dental is now Cummins Dental Group.

The same great team, just a new name!